Consider a house of cards for a moment: it’s impressive to look at. And it can take quite a bit of time to assemble. But it’s also delicate. Remove just one part of the whole, and the entire structure falls apart. The truth is, running a business can often feel like building a house of cards –– though few business owners would care to admit that. What’s worse about operating a company, though, is many times people find they don’t have all the “cards” they need to complete their “house” –– so to speak. The good news is, installing call tracking online programs at your office can help provide you with some of those vital pieces of intel you need to optimize your marketing and sales strategies. Here’s what you’ll get when you upgrade to modern call tracking techniques:
The marketing/sales process is something every business owner is familiar with: consumer views marketing content, consumer then interacts with said content, they converse with a salesperson, and ultimately decide to do business with a company. (Yes, this is vastly simplified for the sake of demonstration.) Piece of cake. This model doesn’t present a problem for a business that only runs one type of marketing/advertising content on one platform.
However, for modern companies that have various and sophisticated marketing and advertising campaigns across multiple digital platforms, there’s some important intel missing within that sales process. Namely: what piece of content inspired the lead to make a call and reach out to a company? After all, what’s the good of spending untold amounts of time and money creating marketing content and digital advertisements if you’re not able to identify which ones are actually effective? Call tracking software provides the solution to that problem. When a lead goes offline and makes a phone call based on an interaction with your marketing material, dynamic call tracking numbers can determine what inspired the call in the first place. We call this process call attribution.
Naturally, it doesn’t take much imagination to figure out why knowing what pieces of marketing and advertising content are most effective at generating phone calls is valuable to most business owners. For one, it allows companies to spend their advertising capital more effectively –– so they can create more leads and lower costs at the same time. Second, it provides a blueprint for your marketing team to construct better content in the future. And third, it enables business owners to more accurately calculate their marketing ROI (or ROAS, alternatively).
The beauty of modern call tracking companies like Advocado is that new technology like TraaqrSMB enables call tracking to take business owners beyond the sales call. That’s right; now, thanks to recent innovations, you can view the outcome of every sales call and link every successful deal back to the online content that created it. In this way, you can stop trying to construct content for just leads, and start focusing on drawing in more sales than ever before. Contact the Advocado team today and we’ll help you get started. Still not convinced? Then check out our free case study and witness the power of modern call tracking for yourself here: