If you spend a significant portion of your budget on digital advertising, but don’t currently use call tracking technology at your company, you’ve got a problem. You might not realize you have a problem yet, but trust us, you do. That’s because businesses that don’t employ call tracking software in conjunction with their ad campaigns are missing out on vital pieces of information that can reshape the way you think about online advertising. And one of the biggest issues business owners face when currently advertising through platforms like Google AdWords is an inability to monitor consumer activity offline. Given that dilemma, it’s no wonder business owners across industries are desperate to find out how to track calls from ads. Fortunately, we’re here to provide the solution to that problem.
When a consumer acts through online channels, most businesses are well-equipped to review their activity. After all, when someone likes your post on Facebook, clicks on one of your digital ads, or downloads a content offer from one of your blogs –– you’re notified about it. The problem instead is, how to track consumer activity once they go offline? Without call tracking, a business would be in the dark. The good news is, with call tracking, you can still keep tabs on customer activity thanks to dynamic call tracking and multi-channel attribution.
Let’s break the process down to provide a cursory view of how call tracking operates. Say a customer views an ad online and decides to call your company based on its content. Call tracking enables businesses to attribute that offline sales conversation back to the specific online advertisement that generated it. And with sophisticated call tracking technology, you can customize how you want to track your calls –– by keyword, campaign, and/or by the individual ads themselves! With dynamic tracking numbers, every piece of content you create can have its own unique phone number that allows you to identify it. What’s more, the process of multi-channel attribution lets business owners decide how they want to attribute success within their own campaigns. Whether it’s more important for a piece of content to generate initial interest, or inspire a final call is ultimately up to you.
Once you’re able to accurately determine which ads are sending solid leads to your sales team, you can work to optimize them based on data gleaned from call tracking metrics. In short, you can increase your sales numbers and decrease your ad spend with call tracking. Furthermore, call tracking technology isn’t restrained to merely paid advertisements; no matter what type of digital content strategy you pursue, you can monitor its’ effectiveness (and calculate your ROI) with call tracking.
Lots of businesses run ad campaigns these days; fewer use the most up-to-date call tracking tech to optimize their marketing and sales performance. If you’re ready to access that advantage to separate your company from the competition, contact the Advocado team today and get started with call tracking today. Plus, to see how call tracking can work for a business just like yours, download our free case study here: