Advocado is headquartered in Missouri, a place nicknamed the "Show-Me-State.” It’s a phrase based on the precept that seeing the genuine article is a heck of a lot better than just hearing about it. To that end, we’ve produced a case study detailing why TraaqrSMB from Advocado was created, and how it helped its first ever client, Wellex, achieve some extraordinary results.
So if you adhere to the saying that seeing is believing, look no further. In this post, we’ll hit some of the highlights from TraaqrSMB’s inaugural performance and provide a bit of background on why the groundbreaking call-tracking software was developed in the first place. Unfortunately, we can’t possibly cover everything in just one blog post; so check out the full case study at the bottom of the page.
Innovation Starts with a Problem
Any great business idea must serve an essential purpose that can solve a problem. For Wellex, that problem revolved around call attribution. While they generated all of their leads through online marketing content (blogs, social media posts, ads), they closed on all of their sales through offline calls. (Sound familiar? A large number of businesses operate this way.) The problem inherent in that system is that there’s no way of determining which pieces of content were responsible for which phone calls. Without that information, a company can’t perform even basic analysis like calculating their marketing ROI. The ultimate solution to that problem was the creation of a new form of call-tracking software, TraaqrSMB.
Taking Call Tracking to New Heights
TraaqrSMB isn’t the first call-tracking service ever created. Far from it. However, what separates TraaqrSMB from previous call-tracking models is the nature of the product. While previous call-tracking software had been focused on providing metrics to describe past performance, TraaqrSMB is instead focused on optimizing performance for the future. And that encompasses all aspects of the marketing/sales paradigm, including: analyzing content performance, optimizing ad spend, improving sales performance, and increasing revenue. Here’s one little tidbit from the case study to remember. With TraaqrSMB’s help, Wellex was able to cut their Google Ads spending by 34% while enjoying a 54% increase in sales at the same time. Let that sink in for a minute. TraaqrSMB is dedicated to using call tracking to create a smarter marketing strategy.
For More Information
If you’ve read this far, chances are you’re interested in what call tracking can do for your business. As always, you can contact the Advocado team here; we’re happy to answer any questions and demonstrate call tracking’s unique value to your industry. And for more information, instantly download the full case study.