cross channel marketing

Micro-Moment Marketing: 4 Steps to Success

Planning for micromoments within a new marketing strategy is a fantastic way to increase the number of leads –– and sales –– your company generates. Find out everything you need to know about starting a micro-moment marketing campaign here.

When a business decides to adopt a micro-moment marketing strategy, they’re essentially taking a step into the future. Cutting-edge marketing teams use micro-moments to anticipate consumer behavior and create more effective content. In fact, you could even think of micro-moments as “money-moments” because they’ll determine whether or not a consumer chooses to buy your product. With that in mind, today we’ll outline four simple steps you can take to create a better marketing campaign with micro-moments:

Write Content for the Moment

Increasingly, commercial decisions are becoming more complex. Consumers will do their homework before they buy something –– and the more nuanced the product, the longer their journey will take. As such, marketers who want to use micro-moments to their advantage need to build content for customers at every step of the sales process. To further that point, let’s take a look at the four different types of micro-moments:

  • “I want to know”
  • “I want to do”
  • “I want to go”
  • “I want to buy”

Ideally, you should have content that addresses each variety of micro-moment. Rich, informative blogs can satisfy a lead’s desire to “know,” whereas a link to an online store will cover a consumer’s “I-want-to-buy” impulse. Savvy marketers make content for every step of the buyer’s journey.

Go Across Platforms

In the modern world, your business needs to be accessible at a (micro)moment’s notice. By that, we mean you need to have marketing material spread across a variety of channels and platforms. Consumers don’t rely on one medium to inform themselves, and if your business doesn’t have a strong broadcast, offline, social media, mobile, and overall digital presence then you’re missing out on opportunities to reach new customers. Concerted, widespread marketing material will ensure you reach your target demographics.


You might assume that it’s impossible to predict when a micro-moment will occur. After all, how could you guess when someone might experience a micro-moment? The truth is though –– thanks to breakthroughs in broadcast-to-digital tracking technology from Advocado –– you can enhance your ads through strategic timing. MicroMoment+ AdBot, for instance, links TV commercials with Google AdWords and boosts those online ads in sync with your broadcast efforts. So any time someone watches one of your commercials and wants to know more by searching online, your ads will be front and center to catch their attention. With MicroMoment+ you can identify the most profitable moments in advance and build/improve content accordingly.   

Consumer Tracking

If you want to use micro-moments in your marketing campaigns, you need to have an in-depth understanding of your customers’ behavioral patterns. Knowing when they interact with your brand, what they like about it, as well as what they don’t, will help you adjust your efforts to increase engagement. Features like MicroMoment+ and call tracking software make it easy for marketing teams to identify trends and formulate more accurate buyer personas. Now more than ever, knowledge really is power.

Contact the Pros

Ready to start marketing with greater efficiency? Want to lower your ad spend? Make better content? Increase sales numbers? Then contact the Advocado team today. Our goal is to equip marketing teams with everything they need to succeed. For a closer look at our products, click here to learn more LEARN MORE

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