Marketing is evolving –– and fast. Indeed, marketing has to change to mirror the ever-shifting needs and preferences of consumers. Over the past few years, businesses have begun to implement marketing strategies that encompass multiple platforms and channels. Professionals refer to this practice as multi-channel marketing. Omni channel marketing then, is best described as the logical “next step” in the progression of marketing. The main difference between omni channel marketing vs multi channel marketing is that omni channel marketing is a comprehensive, coordinated approach, whereas multi channel marketing is an effective, yet incomplete model.
Most businesses use some form of multi channel marketing already. It’s commonplace for companies to promote their business across various forms of media. So if your business runs ads on Facebook and purchases air time for commercials on TV –– then you already utilize multi channel marketing. Multi channel marketing is a sound way to reach consumers (and multi channel attribution will help), but it’s not the best method available.
Omni Channel vs Multi Channel
Omni channel marketing differs from multi channel marketing in how it coordinates marketing material to create a seamless customer experience. In the practical sense, this means that marketers form omni channel strategies with customer behavior in mind. As most professionals already know, consumers tend to interact with a business several times before they ultimately arrive at a purchase decision. Omni channel practices take this into account and link related content to ensure a consistent customer experience across varying media. This way, consumers can transition from a TV ad to a digital post, or a social-media ad to a sales call without dealing with any of the hiccups typically associated with the purchase process.
At this point, it’s reasonable to wonder why all business owners don’t use omni channel marketing. Some simply don’t recognize that there’s a better alternative to multi channel marketing. Still, others are reticent to switch because they’re worried about the logistics of transitioning to an omni channel strategy. Thanks to breakthroughs in broadcast-to-digital-to-offline tracking methods from companies like Advocado, though, businesses can quickly and efficiently adjust their tactics. By accurately tracking consumer behavior through the buyer’s journey, businesses can attribute value to their marketing and advertising efforts, and subsequently alter their content to produce better results. Indeed, by working with Advocado, companies can lower ad spend and increase sales revenue at the same time.