The rise of the smartphone has changed the way we live more than just about any other technological development over the past twenty years. And considering the sheer number of tech-based breakthroughs of the past two decades, that’s saying quite a lot. However, the impact smartphones have made on us as a society is hard to understate. From the way we communicate, interact with others, study, absorb media, and yes –– shop –– virtually every aspect of modern life is connected to the smartphone in some way. Unsurprisingly, entrepreneurs have had to adapt to the way consumers connect with their business through mobile devices. One such evolution in mobile marketing is click-to-call advertising.
Click-to-Call Advertising Defined
Click-to-call advertising works relatively simply. Most ads function on the basic premise that if you click on them, you’ll be redirected to a business’s landing page. Click-to-call ads, conversely, don’t redirect to a traditional landing page, but rather allow a lead to call the business directly. (Note: you can set up your online ads so that your phone number appears next to a mobile ad, rather than embedded within it.) These ads are mobile-specific, and have risen to prominence over the past few years. Indeed, in 2014 search engines raked in roughly $4 billion as a result of click-to-call advertising.
Is Click-to-Call Advertising Right for You?
Whether or not your business should pursue a click-to-call strategy with your advertisements depends on a number of factors. Obviously, the benefit to click-to-call advertising is that it offers leads a chance to immediately get in contact with your sales team. And every good marketing strategy should try to funnel leads toward a sales call. Still, click-to-call advertising isn’t for everyone; and sometimes click-to-call ads can put potential customers off.
Creating Better Ads
As we mentioned above, businesses spend a lot of money on their advertising efforts –– specifically through Google Ads. And advertising spend doesn’t even encompass the time and money companies devote to creating “organic” marketing content like blog posts or articles. Given the hefty sums of cash business owners dole out on their advertising budget, one would expect that they’d do everything in their power to ensure their ads are performing at peak potential. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Plenty of businesses don’t bother tracking their Google Ads performance –– and even those that do often lack a complete picture of their ads’ effectiveness. An inability to track successful keywords, ads, and ad campaigns can hamper even the most efficient operations. As such, if you’re looking to implement click-to-call advertising at your business –– or if you’ve been doing it for years already –– you need call tracking software to support it. With a sophisticated call tracking system at your disposal, you’ll be able to monitor ad performance, increase conversion rates, and optimize future content.
Trying to run an ad campaign without call tracking is like trying to drive on the highway without a windshield. Call tracking doesn’t just make analysis easier; it also improves the way your marketing and sales teams will function. Contact the Advocado team today to get started today. Or, if you’d like more information about the power of call tracking, download our free case study here: